When I think about 2011…

When I think about 2011, I will:

  • think about the books I read and how I rediscovered the library and what a great service it is for people.  I think about these books: The Color of Water by James McBride (a reread for me), The Hunger Games trilogy: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins, The Help by Kathryn Stockett, On the Outside, Looking Indian by Rupinder Gill, She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb and Bossypants by Tina Fey.  I highly recommend all of them.  ALL OF THEM.
  • be reminded about how I truly do not buy CDs anymore – a pastime that used to be my religion. You really have to completely bewitch me entirely in order for me to buy one.  (That being said, the last two CDs I had bought were Flavors of Entanglement by Alanis Morissette and Viva La Vida by Coldplay).  So I am thankful that 21 by Adele fell into my lap (and everyone else’s apparently) and reminded me that sometimes listening to an album from beginning to end can tell a story just as effectively as a book or film.
  • I think of Gotye’s Somebody I Used To Know and know that it was my favorite song of the year.  Thank you Katy Perry for tweeting about this guy.  Sometimes you click on a link, sometimes you don’t.  I’m so glad that I did. Honorable mentions: Pricetag by Jessie J., Who’s That Chick by David Guetta feat. Rihanna
  • i am also reminded that I do not go to movies anymore but that when I do it’s a big deal so I therefore want to say that I adore Bridesmaids and that saying it made me howl uncontrollably does not even fully describe the joy it brought me (and Mara too!)
  • Friday Night Lights. This was the year that this superlative, beautiful about a small town in Texas drove into my life and made a permanent residence in my heart.  It now has joined Buffy, Freaks and Geeks, Felicity and  Friends  as one of my favorite TV shows in life.  Talk to anyone…ANYONE who has seen Friday Night Lights and a look will come over their faces that will tell you that this isn’t just another TV show.
  • My heart is permanently broken with the loss of Amy Winehouse and Jack Layton.  Their respective passings, made me realize that true beauty is taken for granted when we have it.  I know I did.
And now for the real stuff:
  • 2011 reconfirms for me that I have no time for bullshit.  There is just no time.
  • It also reconfirms that being a daddy and husband is my gig in life – it will be the most creative thing I will ever do.
  • Don’t take anything for granted, and life your life without regret.
  • And this is the year that I will write something new.

C’est tout, folks.  I welcome 2012 with open arms and am ready to dive in!

A Candle

i am a boy

who doesn’t understand what just happened in my lovely city.

who is standing in a hallway with his books observing a moment of silence.

who is scared at such wrath and confused by such hate.

i am a boy

who was stunned by the number 14 and who remained sad at the faces i saw in the newspaper.

who can’t seem to wash the blood off his heart since that winter day 22 years ago.

who didn’t know any of them whatsoever, but remains haunted by them always.

i am a man

walking his own little girl through her steps

wanting her to become the person she wants to be

raising me on her shoulders so she can achieve and create and love

i want to be a candle

during this dark day

hoping, thinking, speaking

we can all be candles every day

making sure that there is an end to this